Missionary, Rory Smithee

Staying on course defined: “continuing through a process or effort, even when it is difficult”

We must remain committed to the following and teaching of Jesus Christ!

Deliberately and actively living out the Christian faith even when faced with challenges and obstacles, while our actions and attitudes should reflect the love, mercy, and grace of God.

Maintaining a regular practice of prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers.

Staying in God’s presence is the most important thing to do.

All the blessings flow from there. But if we run, we don’t get rid of the problems. Instead, we get rid of the blessings and the Lord help! In that sense, the choice should be very clear and easy, right? but it isn’t.

The choice is hard because we can’t see the entire solution.

My personal experience is that God always comes through, maybe not at my timing or when I think it should happen but He always answers if I “Stay the Course”