From My Desk To Yours, Part 2

As I stated last time, we hear a lot about being “Missional” around the church and in the church world. Let’s review the definitions. Missional is defined the following way- “A community of God’s people that define itself and organizes its life around its real...

From My Desk To Yours

We hear a lot about being “Missional” around the church and in the church world – so what does it mean to be missional? Well, that depends on who you’re talking to because it can get a little bizarre. Here are some examples; There is Missional Communities,...

The Mattress

On Wednesday morning while on my way to the Men’s Small Group in Venus, I suddenly became very grateful for the invention of the bright switch for the headlights. As I rounded a blind corner, there was a large mattress halfway on the road. Seeing it early in the...

Alarm Clock

Do you ever have that morning where you intend to get up, but this weird phenomenon happens, especially when you have committed to a regular Rhythm and Routine of seeking God? You know the commitment; you want to fine-tune your ear to the voice of the Holy Spirit and...

Intrinsically Good

What does the Goodness of God mean? Let’s start with- His goodness is one of the traits or attributes of God’s very essence. God, by nature, is intrinsically good, as Psalm 34:8 (AMPC) states; “8 O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy,...

Real Talk

Good Morning Everyone!! After over seven years as Lead Pastor of NEChurch, it’s well documented that I journal and that I strongly encourage everyone to do the same. I journal my thoughts and many times my prayers. But I also journal lessons learned and...