Sunday, May 26, at 10:30 AM

What North Elevation Church does this Sunday, the day before Memorial Day, matters. We must proclaim the truth about Memorial Day; the Church should gather and honor those men and women of the armed forces who died, preserving our freedom.  

One of those freedoms is that we can freely gather as a faith community on Sunday. We must keep sight of Memorial Day’s reason for existing. Memorial Day is beyond the outbreak of summer’s arrival, barbecues, and picnics. It’s about the men and women who have sacrificed so we can gather as a community of faith at NEC. 

Join the moment as Pastor Collin and I speak this Sunday in honor of the ones who gave their lives for our freedom. Parents, what Pastor Collin will share has been lost in our culture. Our kids need to know the truth. Even the Church of America has forgotten why we celebrate Memorial Day, so what he shares is vital for us to know.  

After Pastor Collin, I will release a word given to me in prayer by the Holy Spirit on April 18th of this year. Be a part of the moment at NEC this Sunday at 10:30 am.