From Pastor Cory 

Good Morning- What is God saying to NEC? We believe His message is clear, so don’t scan through this, read all of it. 

In 2020 inside and outside the church, people faced disorder, conflict, and chaos during a pandemic.  But, in the middle of the chaos, God supplied NEC with a building. Yes, it was a considerable step of faith, and it’s still a step of significant faith. No biggie, we are God’s people; we are faith people! Where God guides, God will provide! 

I hope all of you remember the dream Esteban Blanco had going on eight years ago now. One I have shared many times concerning the building we are in now. In one part of the dream, Esteban got up and walked down close to the front.  He sat down on his left. To his right, in the right-hand section of the church, was an entire group of Africans dressed in their native attire attending the service. 

Well, everyone that came to pass this past Sunday! WOW!!!! God is true and faithful to His promises. If you haven’t figured it out yet, it is a sign from God that He will do everything else He said He would do.  If you have not heard the entire series, The Tip of The Iceberg,  I strongly recommend that you go to our website and listen to the audio or Facebook to watch the services.  This series recounts the promises God made to us in Nov. of 2020. 

From Pastor Richelle 

God is faithful, and He has given us signs all along the way that He is with us, AND, He will never fail us because He keeps His word.  One of the words given was by Jack Carter, a man from Pastor Jeff Wickwire’s church.  He and his wife came to our first Sunday night service before we took over the building.  They wanted to see what God had provided for us.  The Lord spoke to Jack and said this place (NEC) would be like a Lighthouse, and people would be drawn to the light.  They will come from all around (which they already do), and there will be signs, wonders, and miracles taking place.  He saw Pastor Cory on the left and me on the right side of the altar praying for people, and they were being healed as the power of God was manifesting among us.  He said that we would say, “we need more chairs; we don’t have enough room.”  He said we would need a bigger building. 

Also, Pastor Jeff had Jack Carter come up to give a prophetic word at our building dedication.  Jack’s word is attached along with another word given to Pastor Cory for the church in Nov. 2019. And, this word was given in the presence of 25 of our leaders.
