
One person at a Time

Our Missionaries

Rory and Flora Smithee

Rory and Flora Smithee

Zona Maya Mission Ministries was founded by Rory and Flora Smithee in 1997. Zona Maya Mission Ministries is an apostolic ministry that reaches the entire Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico in the Zona Maya regent. Their mission base is located in the village Senor, Quintana Roo in Mexico with the Mayan Indian tribes of the Zona Maya. Flora Smithee is a native Mayan Indian of the regent. Zona Maya Mission spreads the Gospel, hosts youth conferences, vacation Bible school, and leadership/pastoral conferences. Rory and Flora Smithee have two children, Sasil & Michael, both of which were homeschooled and raised in the mission field.

Leonard and Mary Jones

Leonard and Mary Jones

17 years-ago Leonard and Marie Jones traveled to Honduras on a mission trip. They saw the poverty and despair that was widespread in Honduras and they knew God would one day call them back. Eight years have past since they packed their bags and drove with their family from Burleson, Texas to Honduras. They are now permanently residing in La Ceiba, where they have opened a children’s home, and are known as “Papa & Mama”.


Leonard and Marie also run an outreach program called Casa Compassion. This ministry to young, unwed mothers was birthed out of necessity. In four years, nearly 30 girls have come through their home seeking hope and a place of refuge. Many have come impregnated through rape, and some have arrived as young as 12 years-old. They have seen many beautiful children brought into this world, and they have seen dignity and hope restored to many of these girls.

Laura Pearce

Laura Pearce

Laura Pearce is a graduate from Christ for the Nations Institute with advanced studies in Children and Family Ministry. She also interned at North Elevation Church, where she became a member in Mansfield, Texas. Laura is a real International Missionary, serving wherever needed. Since graduating she has served as a missionary in the Philippines, Kenya, and Brazil. The heart of her mission work is to serve and love lost children or teens, leading them into the Kingdom of God.

Jamie and Lea Peters

Jamie and Lea Peters

Africa and Beyond: Here at Africa & Beyond, we know that it takes faith to change our world.  Since 1987, we have been determined to make an impact on the continent of Africa.  We believe in a holistic Gospel message, planting autonomous, self-supporting churches that reach out into their communities with faith-based spiritual and humanitarian outreaches.

State and National Missions

Johnny and Betty Moffitt

Johnny and Betty Moffitt

In the late 1960’s, Johnny was an officer in one of the largest motorcycle clubs in America. He had a life-changing experience with Jesus Christ in 1971 and committed his life to serving Him.


Today, he serves as Director of Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness Prison Ministry (WVIW), that reaches into the prisons of America and around the world. WVIW strives to make every single one of their three-day marriage seminars that are held inside prisons for inmates and their wives, the most blessed and life-changing event they will ever attend. Johnny and Betty’s mission is to save marriages, rebuild lives, and keep families together through the love of Christ.

Metroplex Women’s Clinics in Arlington and Mansfield, Texas provide specialized medical services, education, and counseling. No woman leaves our clinics without the help she needs to make an informed choice about her reproductive health.

MWC is a non-profit corporation. As a result of volunteerism and financial donations, we are able to provide quality care to our clients at no charge. We believe that a woman deserves a safe and confidential place when seeking information regarding her reproductive choices and sexual health. For more information, visit

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