Women’s Ministry

NEW2 Women’s Ministry | Beautiful – Chosen – Loved
Friday, April 12th @ 6:30 PM, at the church.
Ladies, you are invited to our NEW2 Fall Women’s Event at North Elevation Church, 6521 Newt Patterson Rd., Mansfield, on April 12th, at 6:30 pm. This is a free event but you must register by emailing [email protected].
Our speaker will be Nancy Adams. She was a previous speaker for our NEW2 event, and everyone was extremely blessed by her ministry. She has been a minister of the Gospel for over 40 years, so come hear from her wealth of wisdom.
There will be door prizes and lots of fellowship, so don’t miss out on this special night.
Teen and pre-teen girls are welcome to come!
Cost is free but you must RSVP to [email protected].
You are Beautiful, Chosen, & Loved! Come join us and gain Strength Through Love!
1 Cor. 13:13, Prov. 31:25
Hope. In a fresh way.