You know, with all of the modern amenities and discoveries we have, they did nothing to create room for more thought, for being quiet, or for worshiping God. The pace, in fact, seems to have increased beyond our ability to keep up. Everyone is busy and in a hurry; speed has become the essential factor. In the midst of this noisy, frenzied world, a call to silence seems almost ludicrous.

The call comes from the highest of authorities: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10).

It is a simple, little principle, and perhaps that is why it is so often overlooked. It seems to have been mainly ignored, and I’m quite sorry to say, even in the church. Remember, the church has nothing really to do with buildings, the church is you. When we have community worship, that’s when the church gathers to be one.

Let me say that in worship, silence is proper and profitable. One writer phrased it in this way: “To listen to God in worship is greater than to hear any man preach.” The question becomes, are you taking time during community worship to just become silent? Are you becoming still? Are you allowing time to learn and to know His voice in the silence of worship?  Sunday would be an excellent opportunity to start.

As important as the sermon may be, along with the fellowship of believers, sometimes we don’t understand that worship plays one of the most important roles in making those two things complete. 

Experience another Supernatural moment together that only a Community of Worship can bring.  That moment where you enter the “Sounds of Silence,” a “Genuine Personal Worship Encounter” with Him. Don’t miss that moment, that moment where you enter that quiet, peaceful place in the shadow of Almighty God. 

God has something personal to share with you every Sunday during community worship. Don’t Miss It!

Lead Pastor Cory